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    The Essence of Choral Music

Many of the things in this life that bring the greatest satisfaction involve an experience shared with other people. A solitary meal provides food for the body, but a dinner with friends or family satisfies not only hunger, but the universal longing of human companionship. Long distance runners meet their challenges alone, but members of a team learn to depend on each other to reach a common goal. So it is with music: those who perform and those who listen form a bond not only among themselves, but with the mysterious magic that is the essence of music itself. Singing, which may be described as making music with the human voice, is a sure route to the essence. When people sing together in chorus they unite their individual voices into one harmonious body of sound that can transcend the superficial realities of life. The Crystal Coast Choral Society is dedicated to pursuing that elusive sense of union with each other and the music that is then shared with our audience. Together, as performer and listener, we experience the sublime beauty of music.


The Crystal Coast Choral Society is  a non-profit organization incorporated in the state of North Carolina and operated exclusively for charitable and educational purposes consistent with the general statutes of North Carolina under Chapter 55A and with the section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code to which contributions are tax deductible.



The Crystal Coast Choral Society receives sub-grant funding support from the North Carolina Department of Natural and Cultural Resources through the Grassroots Arts Program of North Carolina and the Jacksonville- Onslow Council for the Arts.


Mission Statement

Our mission is to afford residents of eastern North Carolina an opportunity to come together to perform choral music for the benefit of Onslow County and surrounding areas, and to foster future musicians in the communities we serve.


Vision of the Crystal Coast Choral Society:

To educate, inspire and encourage a love and appreciation for choral singing in the present and for future generations.


Thank you to our top sponsors!


Proud Media Sponsor

Crystal Coast Choral Society

P. O. Box 1954

Swansboro, NC 28584


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