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Christmas 2019

The Crystal Coast Choral Society has an exciting program of music planned for the 2019 Christmas season. We’ll be featuring great arrangements of old favorites like Angels We Have Heard on High and O Come, Emmanuel as well as newer music by John Rutter and Elaine Hagenberg. Our special guest artist will be the wonderful Ginger Garner. Ginger recently moved to Greensboro with her family but is very well known here in Eastern North Carolina. And of course we’ll invite the audience to join us on the traditional Silent Night.


Our concerts are scheduled for 7:30 p.m., Saturday, December 14 in the

Sanctuary of Swansboro United Methodist Church, Highway 24, Swansboro,

NC. We’ll repeat the concert at 3:00 p.m, Sunday, December 15. in the Sanctuary of All Saints

Anglican Church, 292 McCabe Road, Newport, NC. Admission is adults $10 in

advance and $12 at the door. Students are $5 and children 10 years old and under free.



Invitation to singers

We always look forward to beginning a new season of great choral music.

We welcome old friends as well as new singers to our musical family as we all

gather to share in blending our voices to make beautiful music. We are a

non-auditioned community chorus of varying ages and experience, but we

do request that members have a pleasant singing voice, be able to match

pitch to sing in the appropriate voice part, and be willing to do individual

practice in preparation for the weekly rehearsals. We rehearse 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm 

each Tuesday in the Fellowship Hall of Swansboro United Methodist Church.

First rehearsal for Christmas 2019 is September 3.


We hope to see you there, especially all

new singers. As always, contact the Music Director at or

910-358-2997 for more information





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                 Coming Soon! Spring 2020 - Handel’s Messiah


In April of 2020 the Crystal Coast Choral Society will embark on one of the most exciting and challenging programs in our long history!  We will present Messiah of G.F. Handel in its glorious entirety.  Although we’ve done large portions of Messiah in past years to much acclaim, this will be our first presentation of the entire masterwork.  As far as we know, it will also be the only presentation of the entire Messiah in Eastern North Carolina in recent years. 


We will be joined by an orchestra of the finest professional musicians.  Our vocal soloists are all world-class professionals.  We are especially excited to have Dr. Jonathan Griffith join us a guest conductor.  Dr. Griffith is the principal conductor and co-founder of Distinguished Concerts International New York (DCINY).  He is an award winning conductor and acknowledged authority on Handel’s Messiah.  The concert will be presented at 2:00 p.m., Sunday, April 26th, 2020 in the Earl Taylor Performing Arts Center of White Oak High School in Jacksonville.


We would like to have a large chorus for this very special concert. In addition to our regular weekly Tuesday evening rehearsals we’re making arrangements for occasional Saturday rehearsals.  This will allow experienced singers with other choral ensembles who cannot commit to weekly rehearsals to join us for this historic occasion.  The Tuesday rehearsals will begin 7:00-9:00 p.m., January 7th, 2020. 


If you are interested in joining us for Handel’s Messiah we would love to have you.  For further information please contact the Music Director, Finley Woolston, either by email at or phone at 910-358-2997.

        The Essence of Choral Music

Many of the things in this life that bring the greatest satisfaction involve an experience shared with other people. A solitary meal provides food for the body, but a dinner with friends or family satisfies not only hunger, but the universal longing of human companionship. Long distance runners meet their challenges alone, but members of a team learn to depend on each other to reach a common goal. So it is with music: those who perform and those who listen form a bond not only among themselves, but with the mysterious magic that is the essence of music itself. Singing, which may be described as making music with the human voice, is a sure route to the essence. When people sing together in chorus they unite their individual voices into one harmonious body of sound that can transcend the superficial realities of life. The Crystal Coast Choral Society is dedicated to pursuing that elusive sense of union with each other and the music that is then shared with our audience. Together, as performer and listener, we experience the sublime beauty of music.

On behalf of The Crystal Coast Choral Society , we extend our gracious gratitude for everyone who attended our Hurricane Florence concert. We raised $9000.00 to help those in need due to Hurricane Florence. Thank you all and we hope to see you at our next concert.



                                       Choral Society Membership

The Crystal Coast Choral Society (CCCS) is a community chorus of about 60 singers. Although we are a non-auditioned chorus, we do require that members have a pleasant singing voice, are able to match musical pitch to sing in the appropriate voice section (soprano, alto, tenor, bass), and are willing to spend time in individual practice outside of weekly rehearsals. Ability to read music is a plus, but not a requirement. We welcome adult singers of all ages and musical backgrounds. We are a large, very friendly family of individuals who share a love of singing great music to a high standard.

If you would like to join our ranks starting for the winter at the end of the year please be in touch with the Music Director, Finley Woolston at:

Cell 910-3588-2997 ( not including texting)                                                       


Friends of the Crystal Coast Choral Society

Not a singer? Sing but can’t commit to Tuesday nights? Still 

appreciate the Crystal Coast Choral Society?

There are lots of ways to support what we do. We are in need of additional volunteer help.


If any of the following interest you, please contact Judy Fitzpatrick,

President of the Crystal Coast Choral Society:

ï‚· Setting up and/or breaking down for concerts

ï‚· Serving as ushers/greeters for concerts

ï‚· Completing demographic tally sheets for concert attendance

(counting or estimating people of various categories and

recording on a prepared form) This information is required

for grant applications.

ï‚· Assisting with delivering CCCS cookbooks to coastal

community sales locations

ï‚· Assisting with publicity (posting flyers, writing articles,

sending digital flyers via email, etc.)

ï‚· Offering/Soliciting Sponsorship donations

ï‚· Assisting with fundraising events & such as yard sales, silent

auctions, etc. by setting up/breaking down and being hands-

on at events plus donating items or seeking donors. Also,

assisting in planning for future fundraising events.

Thank you to our top sponsors!


Proud Media Sponsor

Crystal Coast Choral Society

P. O. Box 1954

Swansboro, NC 28584


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