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Fundraising is a necessary responsibility of any group that has expenses. Sources of Crystal Coast Choral Society, Inc. funds include grant awards, membership annual dues, individual and business sponsorships, concert ticket sales and donations, CCCS cookbook and professional CD sales, and creative fundraising initiatives.


The Crystal Coast Choral Society receives support in part from the Grassroots Arts Program of North Carolina and the National Endowment for the Arts. Our Grassroots Sub-grant funding has been awarded through the Arts Councils of Onslow and Carteret counties and must be matched by our other sources of revenue.

         Ongoing Fundraising Opportunities

In our 20th Anniversary year, the Crystal Coast Choral Society produced a cookbook, Noteworthy Recipes, to share our collected favorite recipes, as well as others from local restaurants. Categories for the 548 recipes include Handel Finger Foods, Puccini Punches, Chopin Salads, Verdi Vegetables, Beethoven Beef, Sibelius Seafood, Vivaldi Meatless Dishes, Mozart Muffins, Ellington Cakes, Copeland Cobblers & Crisps, and Sousa Sauces, to name a few. Profits from the sale of our cookbook help support our music programs and scholarship fund.


Less than a dozen copies are still available!


To order your copy of Noteworthy Recipes, please click on the CCCS Store button above to order online OR send a check or money order, made out to Crystal Coast Choral Society, Inc. and mail to P.O. Box 1954, Swansboro, NC 28584. Each cookbook is $13.50 per copy (shipping and handling included).


         Concert CD Sales - while supplies last

Two CD recordings from our 2008/2009 season are available for purchase. The first CD (2 disc) is Handel's Messiah, presented with professional orchestra and soloists as our Christmas Concert in December 2008. The second CD is Mozart's Requiem, performed in the Spring of 2009 with the UNCW Concert Choir and Chamber Singers and the Wilmington Chamber Orchestra with Joe Hickman as Conductor.

These CDs are available for $5.00 each. To order CDs, please click on the Shop button above to order online OR use the address above and include an additional $1.50 for shipping and handling for the first CD and $.50 for each additional CD ordered.

       Friends of the Crystal Coast Choral Society

Not a singer? Do you sing, but can’t commit to Tuesday nights? Still appreciate the Crystal Coast Choral Society?


There are lots of ways to support what we do. We are in need of additional volunteer help.


If any of the following interest you, please contact Debra Pylypiw, President of the Crystal Coast Choral Society:

** Setting up and/or breaking down for concerts

** Serving as ushers/greeters for concerts

** Completing demographic tally sheets for concert attendance (counting or estimating people of various categories and recording on a prepared form) This information is required for grant applications.

** Assisting with publicity (posting flyers, writing articles, sending digital flyers via email, etc.)

** Offering/Soliciting Sponsorship donations

** Assisting with fundraising events & such as yard sales, silent auctions, etc. by setting up/breaking down and being hands-on at events plus donating items or seeking donors. Also, assisting in planning for future fundraising events.

Thank you to our top sponsors!


Proud Media Sponsor

Crystal Coast Choral Society

P. O. Box 1954

Swansboro, NC 28584


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